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music of the piano
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hi people!!!I know i've been MIA for quite some time.. Haha! Cause i've been busying with camp stuffs, concert stuffs and lots of practices!

So hm.. where to start?? Okays i shall start with the awesome GYL camp!!! :D

The GYL camp was a 4D3N camp for CLS and EEE students. And i enjoyed the whole camp! A crazy camp i should say,cause the campers are all very active ones! Mainly come from Chemical Process/Chemical Engineering. And i was in the welfar committee! ZAI COMM ONE! xD Then during the camp lots of laughters here and there, people helping each other, leaders leading at different times. Really great job for the leaders cause they did the administrative jobs for the campers! Well done leaders! And there's an outing for the GYL campers, also planned by the us, the welfare committee. We're going to Marina Barrage! :) For picnic in pot luck style~ PLUS kite flying xD

Then.. Yup concert committee plannings.. I didn't go for the 2nd Main Concert committee meeting.. That day i also had SYCO practice, thus can't make it.. But the meeting is a once-in-a-while thing.. But i went for the practice.. Next time i should think before i action..

Yes, concert plannings is tough, overseeing everything's progress. But i took it as a training for me in sense of managing and a chance to lead others. Also to learn how to work with different people. Hope that everything will turn up will for the concert. :)

THEN MY GPA.... HM... My GPA improved already! HAHA! Last sem i got 3.696.. this sem i got...


3.818!! xDD

Nice improvement eh? LOL But i'm still not satisfied with my results.. Still could have gotten a better result.. My cumulative i got a 3.756.. Enough to get into medicine/dentistry in NUS? Nope i don't think so.. So i got to pull it up. Make sure i'll get 4.0 this coming sem HAHA! *Opps*

And my time table sucks!! T_T Though we go to school late, end school also end very late... My good life has said goodbye to me -.-

Oh well, i can do nothing for my timetable right? Now i could only wait for school to reopen and start my miserable life again..

And also, a lot of concerts for me this year!! I'll have a SPCO concert on 30 May 2010 at SCH! I'm getting the tickets this Wednesday, so please buy from me please thank you!
Also have 2 concerts with SYCO in June, July and December and a concert with MCO in November/December... So guys please support me yah? :D

Signing off~ Bye people!

Monday, March 8, 2010
Oh my EXAMS ARE SO OVER!!!!!!!! Yea yea yeah!!! *Freedom to the max!!*

Yes, ended my papers officially on 4/3/10, Thursday at 11.10am! HAHAHA!! Now's when a lot of plannings and practices starts to intense already. Oh nonono....

1) MCO CONCERT 2010 PLANNINGS... Yes, now in midst of planning, hopefully things goes well as it goes...

2) SYCO PRACTICES... As usual, monthly sectionals and combined, EXCEPT it's going to be more grouped practices with Mr Quek.. Wohooo going to be more strict already huh? =x

3) SPCO CONCERT... Ah it's coming!!! It'll be on 31st May 2010 at SCH!! Do support yeah? :D Intense practices strarting real soon!! Oh i'm ready for it! Hah!

4) Voluntary works... Oh had been doing voluntary work for Singapore Heart Foundation, then it'll be Singapore cancer society for the next two weeks.. I'll be at the Woodlands Polyclinic to distribute the FOBT Kits!! So if you are free go there and register to get your free kit! HAHA!! Omg how could i do a publicity for SCS here? -.-''

Anyway, recently i find doing voluntary work is something i'll like to do, cause it's doing something to help the public and doing it at your own will. Doing these voluntary work not only provide your services, but also helps to promote health awareness among Singaporeans.. After doing voluntary work with SHF, i realised that there ARE people who are less fortunate than the others..

I've learnt from real life situations.. Yes, and there's this woman who had only blood pressure test taken, and she couldn't accept the fact that she's got hypertension.. She prompted one of the health screening facilitator to take her blood presure again, and the results were the same.. She couldn't accept the fact and got flared.. Then the SHF staff had to persuade her to go and see a doctor and she actually cried down there.. Sometimes i think that people shouldn't take their life for granted, especially when a risk is near their lives..

Haha facinating story eh? This is something that you can't learn from school and playing computer games... This is PRICELESS. Just to tell you guys that I've truthfully learnt this lesson well.

Oh well.. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to RUI XIANG AND VALERIE!!! Hope you guys liked the surprise prepared by SPCO peeps :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hello people!!! I'm in a midst of the exam period, but i'm here cause i could take a breathe from Biochem and continue to read the notes later on~


Yeap updates since i last posted?? O_o

It's now exam period before the end of year 1!! That's super fast can?! ONE YEAR BREEZED THROUGH JUST LIKE THAT?!

Yes, and i'm going to attend the Generation Y Leadership camp during the March vacation - to brush up my leadership skills of course -.-'' And I'M IN THE WELFARE COMMITTEE :DDD With Shein somemore! How cool is that?! xD

Then we'll be going to Malaysia, the Melakka FIVE STAR RESORT!!! OMGOMGOMG!!! FIVE ***** mind you! HAHA! But have to pay 130 bucks =='' then PSEA will deduct and REFUND!! *Kaching Kaching!*

Then next Monday will be a recording-cum-practice session with SYCO :DD Also a rehearsal for the performance with SYCO AT MARINA FLOATING PLATFORM!!! Wowowow!! Also have superstars like JJ Lin, Step Sun, AH MEI etc~~~ WOW!!!! Excited TTM!!

Hahaha and recently took over the job as concert comm head for MCO Concert. Stressful and hectic these two weeks, and will concentrate on more plannings for the concert wholeheartedly after exams :) Will be having two meetings with the design team and concert comm, respectively -.-'' *tiring*

Also CNY dinner performance at FCC, had a 10-course dinner there! Yummy~~

Alrights these should be enough for now... Have to go and study for Biochem already.. Stay tuned for more updates! :DD

Bye people!

Friday, January 15, 2010
A new blog skin for the new year yeah? :D This shall be the 1st post for 2010!! Woohoo~~ *cough cough :(* --> I'm sick - sore throat. And people, PLEASE TAG ME AT THE TAGBOX PLEASE, THOUGH IT'S A LONG WAY DOWN I KNOW~ THANKS! :DDD

Argh!! It's been busy since the first week cause once every assignments done, there'll be new ones coming up, so no "breathe" up till now :( And i got a 3 days MC since Wednesday. Up till now, only 3/5 of the results are out, and i seriously have to buck up for my AP Chem already. SERIOUSLY. This semester's really zombified me a lot more than the last one. More assignments, tutorials, plus my commitments outside.. Wow~ And currently looking forward to SY orientation on the 27th. Yes, and small tests are coming up.. Then, the big one. (Imagine i have to study while getting angbaos.. HAHA!!) And then .. end of YEAR ONE! What? One year passed just in a breeze? Oh no..

Just to update on what i've been doing during my weeks of "MIA" :)
For the 3 weeks break, it's been either ONOW service projects, tutorials, reports, CO practices, chalets, BBQ. Yeap and these occupied my entire holiday. ONOW's the most exausting and long "thing" during the holiday. Well, my group did for hours with Singapore Health Foundation, a free health screening at Isetan. Next was the project with MCYC, where we faced lots of young devil boys at ACS (Barker). They were too hyper-active that after the 1st day we surrendered to them. HAHAHA!

Yeah and tomorrow's MSLCO CCA open house for the Sec Ones, then the Big SPlash performance at ECP. Attended one practice with them last night, with me being sick at that moment ~~~ -.-

Alrights, I shall get some rest before i collapse tomorrow. *TouchWood*

Friday, December 11, 2009
HELLO PEOPLE!!! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER MAN!! IT'S PARTY TIME! HAHAHAHAHA!! But not really a holiday lar, but more of a break cause i have loads of assigments and projects to do, so my holiday is downgraded to 3-week break :( BOOOSSS!!!

But, i have some events going on during the break that can joy me up or keep me busy with they are:

1) SPCO CHALET (13/12-15/12)
The 1st and last day were gone cause of last minute arrangement for ONOW project so i can't go :( But i'll go for the night cycling yeah :DD provided that they never overnight.

2) MCO BBQ (19/12)
BBQ!! Woah i think i'll have a lot of carbon contents in my stomach eh? HAHA!! It should be fun with MCO people! :)

3) M4 BBQ (22/12)
Omg second BBQ :( But it's with my secondary school classmates, and there's a lot of things to catch up with them :) It'll be fun :DD

Also cause of ONOW project, i seriously have to say sorry to my juniors, who planned to go for ice-skating and steamboat :(

These are the buggies that keep me busy during the break :(

And some updates :) I went for SY audition, kinda screwed up yeah :( Hopefully i still can enter.
MSTs were seriously taking up the most spaces in my brain and i'm currently suffering the aftermath of MST - brain haywire :( and finally, had MCO meeting just now at FCC :)

A lot of plannings to be done and concerts are coming up next year, and that's real fast! And christmas is also coming! Haha. Anticipating it :DD

Monday, November 23, 2009
Hello people!! I've so busy until i had no time to update me blog!! I think i shall update my blog after the MSTs yeah? This week's going to be a very VERY stressful week :(

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hi people! :DD Had been to lazy to update my blog :( So i think i'll update every Friday something like that? :) If i'm free then i'll update more! Hehe!!

Next week's going to week 3 of the semester! And time's flying REAL FAST!! Now i'm not really scared of Anatomy and Physiology already.. Because i read it quite a few times, so yeah~ :) And the scores are here! So my first training shall start tomorrow!! (1/11/09)

Yeah, and lots of assignments and projects and tests will be bombarding us soon, so I better study more now than later because of the audition. And then i've got more plannings for my concerts next year. MCO and SPCO concerts 2010, much more plannings to be done..

Then had MCO meeting this afternoon, main topic about the concert.. Well, i think more time should be given to think about the theme, then slowly synchronise the songs that we are going to use for the concert.. Hmm I shall see how our planning goes :)

Next Thursday's the camp sharing session, there we go again.. Comments, and areas to improve.. yeah~ Hopefully there won't be any fighting and quarrels here and there =x

Nowadays i seem to realise that i don't go out that often already.. Though i went to Esplanade library last yesterday to return the scores -.-'' And i saw one guy playing the dizi with piano accompanied. They were playing 菊花台, and that guy's not bad. I liked his tone :)

Okays, i seriously have nothing to update already.. And shall start my training tomorrow as early and fresh as possible :) Bye people!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hi people!!! I'm back from SPCO Bonding camp! :DD Pretty tired for the past 2 days. But it was a success one. :)
Okay let's start from Friday night. We were like totally slacking here and there, about 3am then we were going to sleep. Yes and next day, the camp starts! We had ice-breaking games in the morning, followed by lunch provided by me, Xiaoqi and Chris!! We went to Clementi and picked up the food ordered by XiaoQi. Then more games in the afternoon. *Skip* Then after dinner, we had a skit performance and my group won the best skit performance!! xDD The groups consists of YiShan, JiaJia, XiaoQi, me, Ridhwan and Kenneth. They were like totally hillarious i tell you! And their acting were quite good - acting funny. xD

Then right after the skit performance, they suddenly sang a birthday song. At first i don't know who's birthday is near, so i followed in the clappings :) Then i suddenly felt that there's like no one except my birthday is near, so i stopped clapping. Then ruiping suddenly turn around and i just realised that they sang it for me. I was like totally suprised!! Then had a lovely birthday card and a tee shirt as a present. Really appreciated that a lots!

The small cakes! Yummy!

The chocolate one :D

The fruity one :DD

The birthday card!!! xD

The wishings by SPCO peeps! Love them! :)

HAHA CHI KIA you still remember the candle we talked about in China? :)

Then after the skit was the nightwalk. The nightwalk was basically, to scare people. Yeah, then scare scare scare, lights off :)

Then the next day, which is today, we had douge ball game. It was like so violent lor! Bernard's playing crazy during the game and all of us were like so high!! Hahaha!! Then, we had the treasure hunt game. In the mid of the game, there was a slight miscommunication.... But we'll have to learn from experience so that we won't make the same mistake right? Yeah so chilled :)

Thanks to the camp comm, which consists of ruixiang-camp chief, ekjun and ruiping-vice camp chief, treasurer-jiajia, games i/c-valerie and denise, food i/c-xiaoqi, logistics i/c-me and chris, this camp was a success one, but there's rooms for improvements!! So let's jiayou!! :DD Of course not to forget to thank the campers who made their time during the weekend ours and had fun with us, and the seniors who came back and joined in the fun! :DD

Then had dinner with jieying, her boyfriend and xiaoqi at CauseWay Point. Yeah! But i'm damn tired now.. Signing off.. Bye bye! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009
And yes, school starts on Monday blues~ Wonder how have you guys had spent your time today? :)

Today was a great start for me, and i've decided to go MUGGER mode :DD, though it seems that Anatomy & Physiology is scary... But i'll give it my all and K.O. it at the end of semester exam!! xDD Thought of changing my studying method too as i mugged for the whole last semester, which resulted my whole brain to numb after revising for the big exam! ><

First, we met Ms Koh, my Anatomy & Physiology lecturer. She's damn funny okay?! It's very comfortable talking to her! :) And she kept on repeating that she sell labcoats -.-'' 自作自受 LOL!! =x

Then met Dr Adrian Elango, our Biosystem & Biomolecules lecturer. He's also another joker lecturer eh! Then also met our another lecturer for the same module, but he's more dull.. and a bit *ahem ahem* Well, just have to tolerate this for another semester..

Also, Mr Goh for Biophysics, and he made the other lecturer, Dr Xu, seemed to be so SO much scarier as I heard that his requirements for presentation is going to be strict? But Mr Goh said the Biophysics is going to be an "A" module for us if we are consistent and hardworking, so i think no problem for that :)

Tomorrow's another brand new day, meeting Dr Sim (last Cell Bio lecturer) again, who will be taking us for Analytical & Physical Chem for practical :DD I think this semester is much better than last semester, without all the strict lecturers to scold. But it's meant for our own good :)

Then for the MCO's project with SCO is so so so not well done as we couldn't get the number of people that we wanted.. I smsed and called a few times already, then i only got 2 bassists to go... Quite sorry to Sharon for the poor response...

Upcomings, MY BIRTHDAY, Nanyang Primary Music exchange with MCO, SYCO audition... Speaking of SYCO audition, i've yet to practise my choice piece!! Oh my gosh i got to practise it soon!!!

Alrights, i shall go and read up on some of the Anatomy & Physiology notes already! MUGGER MODE SET UP!! LOLS. Bye! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The audition apllication close date is this coming Friday, and i'm not doing anything, not even finding the repertoire that i'm going to play for the audition!!! I'm damn dead okay?! And then tomorrow i'm going to Vivo at 11am with the other SPCO Bonding camp comm(yr 1s) to buy those logistics stuffs that we are going to use for the camp :DD Then Tuesday's KINGCHI BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY!!!

Then Wednesday SPCO prac, Thurs blank, Friday's the close date for SYCO audition!! I'm going to find people to go with me either tomorrow or tuesday to Esplanade library to find some scores, so people PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WANT TO GO WITH ME!!! :DD

A lot of things coming soon, not to forget tomorrow's GEM registration! And i've thought of what to take already!!

Business & Management:
1. Understanding Economics with Mathematics(MS501B)
2. Leadership and teamwork - How to Succeed in an Organisation(MA501B)
3. Quality Management(MM511B)

Arts & Humanities:
1. Music Appreciation(ET503A)
2. Learning to learn(ES508A)

Science & Technology:
1. Mathematics & Statistics in disease investigation(MS506S)
2. The wonders of Nanotechnology(CP518S)

Yeaps!! So I hope i'll get the timeslots that I want!! :)

Upcomings, MY BIRTHDAY!!, School reopening, MCO Concert 2010 CMC Meeting, SPCO Bonding Precamp

Kouichi Ng Wei Jie
MCO Musician
SYCO member
SPCO member
Ex-Secretary of MSLCO
Alumni of MSLCO
27 October
Fuchun Primary
Marsiling Secondary
DBT/FT/1B22 1A22
